Did you know Cask ‘n Flask Liquors is the place in the South Bay to go seek out new and hard-to-find craft [Read More]
This site documents the disappearing vintage signage of San Jose, California, captured through Urban Sketches. Know of a sign I haven’t sketched yet? Or a story connected to a sign? I’d love to hear from you. Use the contact page and get in touch.
Posts tagged urban sketching
The Place (aka Kevin’s Place)
Researching vintage signs means I talk to people and look through newspaper clippings and websites to try to dig up [Read More]
Mr T’s Liquor Locker
If you, like me, thought there might be a connection between this store’s name and the famous Mr. T, then [Read More]
Cambrian Bowl
On May 22nd, 2016, Cambrian Bowl finally closed it’s doors for good after 55 years. Since 1961, many leagues [Read More]
Western Appliance
This has to be the most gigantic sign in San Jose. But besides the huge sign, Western Appliance is most notable for [Read More]
Babe the Muffler Man
Everyone knows him as Babe the Muffler Man. And he stands at the Alameda at what is officially called Babe’s [Read More]